Optica Publishing Group

Blazed grating enables highly decoupled optically variable devices fabricated by vibration-assisted diamond texturing

Posted on 2022-03-02 - 15:57
Optically variable devices (OVDs) are well received for anti-counterfeiting and decorative applications. In this study, new strategies to develop highly decoupled OVDs were proposed and demonstrated based on the fast patterning of blazed gratings by vibration-assisted diamond texturing. A unique surface generation mechanism was revealed as a combined cutting and forming process. One facet of blazed grating is generated by the cutting motion defined by the tool tip trajectory. The other facet is formed by the tool flank face, which establishes the blaze angle. This process is able to generate high-resolution, structurally colored graphics by modulating cutting velocity to control the grating distribution. Due to the unique surface generation mechanism, the orientation of the created blazed gratings is intrinsically perpendicular to the cutting direction. Thus, it enables the flexible control of concentration directions of diffracted light by tuning the orientation of blazed gratings. We designed and demonstrated two types of highly decoupled OVDs based on vibration-induced blazed gratings. The orthogonal-type OVD utilizes the azimuth angle dependence of blazed gratings to encode two images in orthogonal cutting directions. The in-plane-type OVD utilizes the optimized diffraction efficiency of blazed gratings in a given diffraction order to encode two images in opposite cutting directions. The fabricated OVDs are presented and compared with optical simulation results based on an extended scalar diffraction theory.


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Jianjian Wang
Yaoke Wang
Jianfu Zhang
Schulze Volker
Ping Guo
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