Dual-comb absorption spectroscopy of molecular CeO in a laser-produced plasma
Version 2 2022-05-05, 13:41Version 2 2022-05-05, 13:41
Version 1 2022-05-05, 13:41Version 1 2022-05-05, 13:41
Posted on 2022-05-05 - 13:41
Broadband and high-resolution absorption spectra of molecular cerium oxide (CeO) are obtained in a laser- produced plasma using dual-comb spectroscopy. Simul- taneous measurements of Ce and CeO are used to probe time-resolved dynamics of the system. A spectral reso- lution of 1.24 GHz (2.4 pm) over a bandwidth of 378.7 - 383.7 THz (781.1 - 791.5 nm) allows simultaneous detec- tion of hundreds of closely-spaced rotational transitions in complex CeO bands.
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Rhoades, Ryan; WEEKS, REAGAN; Erickson, Seth; Lecaplain, Caroline; Harilal, Sivanandan; Phillips, Mark; et al. (2022). Dual-comb absorption spectroscopy of molecular CeO in a laser-produced plasma. Optica Publishing Group. Collection. https://doi.org/10.6084/m9.figshare.c.5942230.v2