Optica Publishing Group

Efficient and widely tunable mid-infrared sources using GaAs and AlGaAs integrated platforms for second-order frequency conversion

Version 2 2024-10-01, 00:09
Version 1 2024-10-01, 00:08
Posted on 2024-10-01 - 00:09
Integrated coherent mid-infrared (mid-IR) sources are crucial for spectroscopy and quantum frequency conversion (QFC) to facilitate fiber-based applications of single photons. Direct mid-IR emission poses challenges due to complex fabrication and high power consumption. This paper presents a mid-IR laser with a continuous tuning range exceeding 230 nm centered around 2425 nm, achieved through difference-frequency generation (DFG). The nonlinear coefficient d₁₄ of gallium arsenide (GaAs) and aluminum gallium arsenide (AlGaAs) on insulator is experimentally determined via second-harmonic generation (SHG) in waveguides of various lengths. These materials are explored for their high conversion efficiency, utilizing monolithic epitaxial quantum dots and integrated waveguides for QFC. The results demonstrate efficient and tunable mid-IR emission suitable for compact, scalable quantum emitters, with applications in environmental and health monitoring.


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Emil Ulsig
Magnus Madsen
Eric Stanton
Dileep Reddy
Alexandre Leger
Simon Sørensen
Pedro Godoy
Iterio Degli-Eredi
Martin Stevens
Deny Hamel


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