Optica Publishing Group

End-fire optical phased array for passive beam steering on thin-film lithium niobate

Posted on 2024-09-04 - 13:20
Autonomous driving technology has put forward higher requirements for sensors, including light detection and ranging. An optical phased array is a viable solution and numerous efforts have been made in this area. For its outstanding optical properties such as linear electro-optic effect and low optical loss, lithium niobate exhibits great potential and unique advantages in solid-state light-emitting arrays. Here we propose and experimentally demonstrate an end-fire optical phased array on thin film lithium niobate for passive beam steering. Furthermore, based on this work, we propose a three-line optical phased array to achieve a larger beam steering range. Our results provide a solution for the integrated optical phased array which shows potential in sensing and imaging with reduced size and power.


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Jiangwei Wu
Zhaokang Liang
Xueyi wang
Zhiwei wei
Hao Li
Yuping Chen
Xianfeng Chen
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