Enhanced terahertz sensitivity for glucose detection with a hydrogel platform embedded with Au nanoparticles
Version 2 2022-06-22, 14:53Version 2 2022-06-22, 14:53
Version 1 2022-06-22, 14:53Version 1 2022-06-22, 14:53
Posted on 2022-06-22 - 14:53
We presented a strategy for enhancing the sensitivity of terahertz glucose sensing with a hydrogel platform pre-embedded with Au nanoparticles. Physiological-level glucose solutions ranging from 0 to 0.8 mg/mL were measured and the extracted absorption coefficients can be clearly distinguished compared to traditional terahertz time domain spectroscopy performed directly on aqueous solutions. Further, Isotherm models were applied to successfully describe the relationship between the absorption coefficient and the glucose concentration (R²=0.9977). Finally, the origin of the sensitivity enhancement was investigated and verified to be the pH change induced by the catalysis of Au nanoparticles to glucose oxidation.
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Zhao, Jingjing; Lu, Shaohua; Bastos-Arrieta, Julio; Palet, Cristina; Sun, Yiling; Wang, Renheng; et al. (2022). Enhanced terahertz sensitivity for glucose detection with a hydrogel platform embedded with Au nanoparticles. Optica Publishing Group. Collection. https://doi.org/10.6084/m9.figshare.c.6047105.v1