Optica Publishing Group

Enhancing phase modulation and group delay in reflective Huygens metasurfaces via a Fabry-Perot cavity

Version 2 2024-09-03, 21:29
Version 1 2024-09-03, 21:28
Posted on 2024-09-03 - 21:29
Huygens metasurfaces exhibit excellent optical properties such as 2π phase modulation and slow light effects. However, they face challenges including wide bandwidth and low group delay due to their high radiation losses. Here, we propose a Reflective Huygens metasurface coupled with an F-P cavity. We demonstrate that F-P resonance modes can couple with magnetic-quasi-bound-state (M-QBIC) and electric-quasi-bound-state (E-QBIC) in the Huygens metasurface through constructive interference, significantly enhancing the quality factors of both QBICs. Through structural parameter optimization, our Reflective Huygens metasurface achieves 4π phase modulation and a high group delay of up to 166 ps. Compared to the non-coupled Huygens metasurface with the same structural asymmetry, the group delay of the F-P coupled Reflective Huygens metasurface is enhanced by up to 30 times. Our design reduces the fabrication precision requirements for Huygens metasurfaces, enabling similar group delays to be achieved in low-symmetry coupling structures as in highly symmetric non-coupling structures. Additionally, the performance of this metasurface shows robustness to changes in incident light polarization. This design highlights the potential for achieving high-quality factors, large phase modulation, and large group delay, offering new avenues for the design of highly sensitive tunable devices, efficient nonlinear optical devices, and narrowband slow light devices.


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