Optica Publishing Group

Improved temporal characteristics for post-compressed pulses via application-tailored nonlinear polarization ellipse rotation

Posted on 2024-11-26 - 20:17
Intense ultrashort laser pulses with high temporal quality are essential for fundamental science. Nonlinear polarization ellipse rotation (NER) is one way to ensure this high temporal quality, by suppressing weaker signals beyond the duration of the main pulse up to a few orders of magnitude. Post-compression schemes have revolutionized ultrafast lasers, enabling the generation of pulses with durations beyond the limit supported by laser gain media. However, high compression ratios lead to the formation of new pre- and post-pulses. Both NER and post-compression depend on the optical Kerr effect. This makes the combination of the two in a single setup both advantageous and straightforward. While NER cannot suppress the new pre- and post-pulses generated in post-compression, we show via simulations and experimental data that by combining the two, it is possible to shape the output spectrum and counteract temporal contrast degradation.


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Federico Pressacco
Yujiao Jiang
Supriya Rajhans
Nikita Khodakovskiy
Ingmar Hartl
Marcus Seidel
Christoph Heyl
Henrik Tuennermann
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