Optica Publishing Group

Miniaturized quasi-BICs based on a two-dimensional heterostructure to realize a low-threshold nanolaser

Version 2 2024-09-04, 13:21
Version 1 2024-09-04, 13:20
Posted on 2024-09-04 - 13:21
Bound states in the continuum (BICs) have been demonstrated as an effective mechanism to achieve high quality (Q) factor cavities for nanolasers. However, the development of a compact BIC laser with a low threshold has remained elusive. Here, we numerically report lasing action from symmetry-protected BICs in a two-dimensional heterostructure, which consists of compound gratings with finite cells surrounded by orthogonal distributed Bragg reflectors (DBRs). The compound grating is used to excite quasi-BIC resonance with a high Q-factor, and DBRs enable light confinement and localized electric fields to enhance light-matter interaction. The nanolaser with a threshold of 16.8 μJ/cm2 is achieved within a footprint as small as 3.35 × 3.35 µm². By changing the phase adjusting gap or asymmetry degree, it is possible to control the lasing emission. This work reveals a new path towards compact BIC lasers with a simple scheme for applications that require a small footprint and low threshold.


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Lin Yong Qian
xin zhang
Jiahua Zhang
Zhengweiyi Yang
Yun Qiu
wang kangni


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