Nonreciprocal polarized transmission via bound states in the continuum
Version 2 2024-09-04, 13:21Version 2 2024-09-04, 13:21
Version 1 2024-09-04, 13:21Version 1 2024-09-04, 13:21
Posted on 2024-09-04 - 13:21
We realize the observation of near-unity nonreciprocal polarized transmission via the bound states in the continuum (BICs) in a double-layer grating structure. By introducing out-of-plane perturbations and topological defects that break the mirror symmetry between the upper and lower layers, the far-field polarization states in momentum space are inverted vertically and horizontally, showing mirrored polarization characteristics for incident channels from different upper and lower ports. During the process of introducing mirror perturbations in the upper and lower layers, a π/2 phase inversion occurs in the Г-M direction, making chirality possible. Utilizing these bidirectionally tunable nonreciprocal spatiotemporal phase transition enables multiple modulations of polarization states and opens up more possibilities for asymmetric light manipulation in chiral optical effects.
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Cai, Shijie; Wu, Zeyu; Liu, Xiaoshan; Wang, Yan; Cheng, Yang; Liu, Guiqiang; et al. (2024). Nonreciprocal polarized transmission via bound states in the continuum. Optica Publishing Group. Collection.