Optica Publishing Group

On-chip integrated metasystem for spin-dependent multi-channel colour holography

Version 2 2024-05-28, 20:59
Version 1 2024-05-28, 20:59
Posted on 2024-05-28 - 20:59
On-chip integrated metasurface driven by in-plane guided waves is of great interests in various light field manipulation applications such as colorful augmented reality and holographic display. However, it remains a challenge to design colorful multichannel holography by a single on-chip metasurface. Here we present metasurfaces integrated on top of guided-wave photonic slab that achieves multi-channel colorful holographic light display. An end-to-end scheme is used to inverse design the metasurface for projecting off-chip preset multiple patterns. Particular examples are presented for customized patterns that were encoded into the metasurface with a single-cell meta-atom, working simultaneously at RGB color channels and for several different diffractive distance, with polarization dependence. Holographic images are generated at 18 independent channels with such a single-cell metasurface. The proposed design scheme is easy to implement and the resulting device is viable to fabrication, promising a plenty of applications in nanophotonics.


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Zhanying Ma
Xianjin Liu
Yuqi Peng
Dasen Zhang
Zhenzhen Liu
Jun Jun Xiao


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