Optica Publishing Group

Optimal binary gratings for multi-wavelength magneto-optical traps

Version 2 2023-11-20, 03:02
Version 1 2023-11-20, 03:01
Posted on 2023-11-20 - 03:02
Grating magneto-optical traps are an enabling quantum technology for portable metrological devices with ultracold atoms. However, beam diffraction efficiency and angle are affected by wavelength, creating a single-optic design challenge for laser cooling in two stages at two distinct wavelengths - as commonly used for loading e.g. Sr or Yb atoms into optical lattice or tweezer clocks. Here, we optically characterize a wide variety of binary gratings at different wavelengths to find a simple empirical fit to experimental grating diffraction efficiency data in terms of dimensionless etch depth and period for various duty cycles. The model avoids complex 3D light-grating surface calculations, yet still yields results accurate to a few percent across a broad range of parameters. Gratings optimized for two (or more) wavelengths can now be designed in an informed manner suitable for a wide class of atomic species enabling advanced quantum technologies.


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Oliver Burrow
Robert Fasano
Wesley Brand
Michael Wright
Wenbo li
Andrew Ludlow
Erling Riis
Paul Griffin
Aidan Arnold
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