Optica Publishing Group

Phase-3D mapping method developed from back-projection stereovision model for fringe projection profilometry

Posted on 2017-04-28 - 17:27
Two major methods for 3D reconstruction in fringe projection profilometry, phase-height mapping and stereovision, have their respective problems: the former has low-flexibility in practical application due to system restrictions and the latter requires time-consuming homogenous points searching. Given these limitations, we propose a phase-3D mapping method developed from back-projection stereovision model to achieve flexible and high-efficient 3D reconstruction for fringe projection profilometry. We showed that all dimensional coordinates (X, Y, and Z), but not just the height coordinate (Z), of a measured point can be mapped from phase through corresponding rational functions directly and independently. To determine the phase-3D mapping coefficients, we designed a flexible two-step calibration strategy. The first step, ray reprojection calibration, is to determine the stereovision system parameters; the second step, sampling-mapping calibration, is to fit the mapping coefficients using the calibrated stereovision system parameters. Experimental results demonstrated that the proposed method was suitable for flexible and high-efficient 3D reconstruction that eliminates practical restrictions and dispenses with the time-consuming homogenous point searching.


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