Single-shot compressive spectral imaging with a dual-disperser architecture
Posted on 2017-04-28 - 14:40
This paper describes a single-shot spectral imaging approach based on the concept of compressive sensing. The primary features of the system design are two dispersive elements, arranged in opposition and surrounding a binary-valued aperture code. In contrast to thin-film approaches to spectral filtering, this structure results in easily-controllable, spatially-varying, spectral filter functions with narrow features. Measurement of the input scene through these filters is equivalent to projective measurement in the spectral domain, and hence can be treated with the compressive sensing frameworks recently developed by a number of groups. We present a reconstruction framework and demonstrate its application to experimental data.
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Gehm, M. E.; John, R.; Brady, D. J.; Willett, R. M.; Schulz, T. J. (2007). Single-shot compressive spectral imaging with a dual-disperser architecture. Optica Publishing Group. Collection.