Tandem aberration correction optics (TACO) in
wide-field structured illumination microscopy
Version 2 2023-11-20, 20:21Version 2 2023-11-20, 20:21
Version 1 2023-11-20, 20:20Version 1 2023-11-20, 20:20
Posted on 2023-11-20 - 20:21
Structured illumination microscopy (SIM) is a powerful super-resolution imaging
technique that uses patterned illumination to down-modulate high spatial-frequency information
of samples. However, the presence of spatially-dependent aberrations can severely disrupt the
illumination pattern, limiting the quality of SIM imaging. Conventional adaptive optics (AO)
techniques that employ wavefront correctors at the pupil plane are not capable of effectively
correcting these spatially-dependent aberrations. We introduce the Tandem Aberration Correction
Optics (TACO) approach that combines both pupil AO and conjugate AO for aberration correction
in SIM. TACO incorporates a deformable mirror (DM) for pupil AO in the detection path to correct
for global aberrations, while a spatial light modulator (SLM) is placed at the plane conjugate
to the aberration source near the sample plane, termed conjugate AO, to compensate spatially19 varying aberrations in the illumination path. Our numerical simulations and experimental results
show that the TACO approach can recover the illumination pattern close to an ideal condition,
even when severely misshaped by aberrations, resulting in high-quality super-resolution SIM
reconstruction. The TACO approach resolves a critical traditional shortcoming of aberration
correction for structured illumination. This advance significantly expands the application of SIM
imaging in the study of complex, particularly biological, samples and should be effective in other
wide-field microscopies.
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Gong, Daozheng; Scherer, Norbert (2023). Tandem aberration correction optics (TACO) in
wide-field structured illumination microscopy. Optica Publishing Group. Collection. https://doi.org/10.6084/m9.figshare.c.6922609.v2