Optica Publishing Group

Theoretical insights into charge transfer plasmon lifetime

Version 3 2025-01-10, 16:09
Version 2 2024-12-24, 16:16
Version 1 2024-12-24, 16:16
Posted on 2025-01-10 - 16:09
In this Letter, we present a theoretical study based on the Lorentz function and harmonic oscillator model to describe the temporal dynamics of charge transfer plasmon (CTP) resonances. By fitting the scattering curves and near-field oscillations, we determine the dephasing time of charge transfer plasmons in conductively connected gold nanodisk dimers. We show that compared with the well-known particle plasmon and dimer plasmon modes, charge transfer plasmon mode has narrow spectral width and longer lifetime. Moreover, quantitative analyses of optical near-fields reveal that charge transfer plasmon modes show completely out-of-phase oscillation with the particle plasmon and dimer plasmon modes. The dephasing time, near-field decay rate and charge transfer time of CTP mode are found to be on a few femtosecond timescales, implying that conductively connected plasmonic nanoparticles hold great promise as channels for ultrafast transfer of information in all-optical computing and optoelectronic devices.


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Alemayehu Nana Koya
Longnan Li
Wei Li


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