Ultrastrong coupling in Super Yellow polymer microcavity and development of highly efficient polariton light-emitting diodes and light-emitting transistors
Version 2 2023-02-10, 01:01Version 2 2023-02-10, 01:01
Version 1 2023-02-10, 01:00Version 1 2023-02-10, 01:00
Posted on 2023-02-10 - 01:01
We present detailed studies on exciton-photon coupling and polariton emission based on a poly(1,4-phenylenevinylene) copolymer, Super Yellow (SY), in a series of optical microcavities and optoelectronic devices, including light-emitting diode (LED) and light-emitting transistor (LET). We show that sufficiently thick SY microcavities can generate ultrastrong coupling with Rabi splitting energies exceeding 1 eV and exhibit spectrally narrow, nearly angle-independent photoluminescence following lower polariton (LP) mode dispersion. When the microcavity is designed with a matched LP low-energy state and exciton emission peak for radiative pumping, the conversion efficiency from exciton to polariton emission can reach up to 80%. By introducing appropriate injection layers in a SY microcavity and optimizing the cavity design, we further demonstrate a high-performance ultrastrongly coupled SY LED with weakly dispersive electroluminescence along LP mode and a maximum external quantum efficiency (EQE) of 2.8%. Finally, we realize an ultrastrongly coupled LET based on vertical integration of a high-mobility ZnO transistor and a SY LED in a microcavity, which enables a large switching ratio, uniform emission in the ZnO pattern, and LP mode emission with a maximum EQE of 2.4%. This vertical LET addresses the difficulty of achieving high emission performance and well-defined emission areas in typical planar LETs, and opens up the possibility of applying various strongly coupled emitters for advanced polariton devices and high-resolution applications.
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Chang, Jui-Fen; ZHENG, YU-CHEN; CHIANG, CHI-YU; HUANG, CHEN-KANG; Jaing, Cheng-Chung (2023). Ultrastrong coupling in Super Yellow polymer microcavity and development of highly efficient polariton light-emitting diodes and light-emitting transistors. Optica Publishing Group. Collection. https://doi.org/10.6084/m9.figshare.c.6396419.v2